Monday, June 10, 2013

8 Tips To Get Affordable Car Insurance

As soon as you buy a car, you have to purchase auto insurance policy too and almost every state it is mandatory to get minimum liability policy. For the low income families, this will add extra cost over the car maintenance expenses. That’s why auto owners try to reduce insurance cost and want to buy affordable auto insurance. So to get affordable car insurance you must consider few factors as well as few tips.

get affordable car insurance, cheap auto insurance
In this article I am going to share some methods and tips to find cheap car insurance company and after reading this post you will get few basic ideas how you can minimize auto insurance expenses.

Buy Low Cost Vehicles
People who are buying high performance engine cars have to also pay high insurance rates. It’s the common mistakes that people are trying to find cheap auto insurance companies purchasing expensive vehicles. The parts of luxurious vehicles are also expensive, so the insurance companies impose high premiums on high performance engine cars. If you want to reduce cost on insurance quotes then buy low cost vehicles which will also save money.

Cut Down on Overall Coverage
There is a possibility that you are paying for the coverage which you may not need at all. Why I pay for the services which I don’t use? Ask the question to yourself and figure out which coverage you need most and which you don’t. Cut the extra coverage and ask the quotes based on your finalized coverage.

Qualify for Possible Discount
Every year car insurance companies offer various discounts with several conditions such as good score for the students, least accident history, and good driving record and for women, so try to qualify as many discount conditions as possible which lower your premiums.

Drive within Specific Number of Miles
Many insurers provide discount to drivers who drive less than their set limit because they assume the less you drive, the less likely to have an accident. Ask the insurers about such discount and if they have get the information about what is the driving limit each year.

Do Not Overlap Same Coverage
If you have medical insurance then you don’t need to pay to the auto insurance company for injury or bodily accident because your medical insurance has already coverage for this accident. You can limit your auto policy by covering repair vehicles involve in a collision.

File For Only Major Claims
Try to fix small problems and give the cost out of your pocket than you will get the year-end no-claims bonus and discounts.

Keep Your Deductible High
If you pay small expenses and fix the car by yourself and keep your deductible very high, you can reduce insurance premiums.

This is the best and most used way to get cheapest rates. Get at least 5 auto insurance quotes and compare them and you will find the affordable car insurance company from them.

You see there are always few ways to lower you insurance rates if you do some home work before going to finally buy. So I always recommend shop just follow these tips and shop around. There is no restriction that you have to stay with one company, try to shop around and find the best one.

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